In the past, I've been using article directories mostly for backlinks. Now I'm going to try to actually feed people to more article which still links back to my site. Here's my "Super" Article on Table Clamps for height increase. Now my hypothesis on trust rank was that sites with more trust rank can have more backlinks counting than un-trasted sites. So the question is: Can I rank this page on infobarrel more easily than on my own site? This page is directly related to height increase so I want a high click-thru rate.
For infobarrel, you're not supposed to have a call to action but height increase is so complex that there was no way to cover everything in the article. The reader could never feel complete with one article and would be compelled to click-thru.
Now when I've done interlinking on my own site, I do notice some of the interlinking anchor text used to help find my site. But I wonder if interlinking counts more on trusted sites, I might try linking a few other infobarrel articles to it just to see if it helps. But theoretically, links from external sites should help more.
Also, my article may get irrelevant searchers looking for table clamps and people looking to increase the height of their table. This will be my first foray into a "normal" buying niche.
I'm going to start out by sending 10 ezine articles to the page. My trust rank hypothesis is that infobarrel being a trusted site should have all of those ezine articles counting even though there are probably already a million ezine articles linking to infobarrel. I'm going to use my other ezine link to link to this site so this site doesn't look like a can.
Most Internet Marketers have their farm sites on Tier four or five of the pyramid. If this site doesn't have a lot of backlinks it looks like a tier four or five farm site. Google doesn't like farm sites so I want this site to get backlinks especially since it's a blogspot blog.
I'm not worried about anyone stealing my niche because there's no way some internet marketer could perform the height increase experiments that I have on his or herself.
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